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In this section you'll find research papers, thoughts, essays, studies, opinions and other materials performed by scholars, researchers and other thinkers about the role that communicative tools such as mass media, social media, language in general, publicity and political propaganda, play in society.

The media power

In this chapter of the series Filosofía aquí y ahora (Philosophy here and now), the philosopher José Pablo Feinman talks about the paranoia created by the media as a tool for justifying the political power's actions as well as its own; a tool used in benefit of the most powerful country in the world.

Virus informático

Día a día nos econtramos con noticias que salen de diarios, de informativos, de redes sociales, radios y sitios de internet. Aún cuando no las procuramos, las noticias se cuelan en el celular, en el correo electrónico o en una sala de espera. El alcance y la difusión de los medios masivos de comunicación entrado el siglo XXI, ha propiciado un bombardeo constante de información. Pero ¿todo lo que circula es información objetiva? ¿Cómo hacer para no perdernos con tan abrumadora ola informativa? Te lo contamos en este artículo.

In countries with three branches of government, it is normal to hear the media referred to as “the fourth branch”. In fact, there is a high probability that this last branch is the most influential on people. The power of interpretation, manipulation and spreading of information is, no doubt, a tool for governance, but not just any tool. It is a unique instrument, which can adopt many forms and manage to be imperceptible even for learned people. No powerful government would dare disassociate from the media power; it would mean to be left unprotected, to venture into an unknown future. 


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