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Reglas Básicas de Publicación

We offer you the possibility to feel a part of this project. We trust in your sense of relevance to become an essential part of this site, that's why Mascarón de Proa gives you the possibility to share with other keen readers some interesting texts you may have read or a video or documentary you may have seen. You will also be able to share links to web pages which relate to the site sections you are more interested in.
In addition, we offer you this space to show your writing abilities in case you wish to share with our readers any article or paper you may have written. It's easy; you only need to read the site's  Basic Rules of Publication and fill out the contact form. Do it!


Tell us how you would like to participate and we will contact you soon. Don't forget to write "my participation" in the Subject field.


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1. Whenever you provide a text, whether it is an opinion article or a paper with accurate data, make sure to include the sources and that these are reliable. 

2. Texts should always maintain an adequate register and a respectful tone.

3. Avoid providing material with controversial political and ideological stances or that may be offensive or malicious.


4. Texts written by participants themselves may be signed with the real name of the author or with a pseudonym.


5. If you take posts from other websites, you must specify the URL, and if you take material from written publications, you must include the references.


6. Even though this is a participatory space, intended to open the doors to readers, Mascarón de Proa's Edition Team reserves the right to select and edit publications in order to guarantee that their nature remains within the parameters of the site's original idea.











Basic Rules of Publication

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